New Proposal: Electrical Vehicle Dedicated Parking Spaces

Electrical Vehicle Dedicated Parking Spaces
Date Proposed:
 13th November 2011
Proposed by: Tim Lohman
Scheduled for Discussion:   Milagro HOA meeting,  4th December 2011.
Sponsoring Committee: EcoEd
Status: Proposal

The Eco Education Committee submits the following proposal from its Electric Vehicle Subcommittee for Milagro Community’s approval:

     Proposal:  Setting up a 240-volt power line with meter and outlet with 2 dedicated parking spaces for Plug-in charging at the circuit breaker panel box on the Milagro Garage-Workshop’s East outside wall.

1.        This proposal is for installing a 240-volt electric power line, meter, and outside outlet as best determined and done by a licensed contract electrician. The outside electrical outlet is to be wall-mounted, running 14 feet South from the circuit breaker panel box, on the exterior Milagro garage-workshop wall and accessible to Electric Vehicles.

2              The underwriting of this 240-volt installation will be handled by two Eco Ed Committee Members- Tim Lohman and Jerry Asher, at no expense to the Milagro Community.

3.        Community Electric car or  plug-hybrid car users will reimburse Milagro HOA for the metered kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity used, based on the honor system instead of the “no cost” for use of electricity in garage space or the workshop.  NOTE: Currently, the approximate monthly wKh cost is estimated to be $15 to $20, based on a Nissan LEAF’s performance of near 5 miles/kWh at 11 cents per kilowatt hour.

    4. The proposal includes approval for two dedicated parking spaces, approximately 16′ x 12′ with such location for cleared spaces being behind the two trees to the east of the workshop and  not extending beyond the South wall of the Milagro garage.

One barrel cactus with be transplanted and the small plants will be cleared from the area with gravel added to cover the space. (community work project)

5.  diagram (to be developed) for outlined space and metered 240-volt power line will be displayed in the Common House after November 20.

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