New Milagro Reimbursement Form Posted

Dear Milagros

Per today’s community meeting, I’ve attached the new form that FBC developed to help ease the transition to our new accountant.  There are two per page.  For the next couple of weeks or so, please bring your dues payments and any requests for reimbursement to me.  Please use the attached form for reimbursement requests.

I’m at work during the day.  Feel free place papers under the rocks around the cowboy just to the right of our front door.  Unless there’s an emergency, I plan to write reimbursement checks on weekends.

Lynne will be stepping in soon.  We’ll let you know when she does.

Thank you,

Ken for FBC

P.S. Let us know if you have any questions about the form or suggestions for improvements.

Reimbursement Form

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