Dark Sky Outdoor Lighting Code Compliance
Date Proposed: 28st October, 2011
Proposed by: Path Lighting Task Force
Scheduled for Discussion: Milagro HOA meeting, 7th November 2011.
Sponsoring Committee: ARC
Status: First Point Approved, Remainder flagged for review with more information provided.
The Path Lighting Task Force proposes the following:
- The community agrees to be compliant with the current “Dark Sky” Outdoor Lighting Code. While Milagro may currently be within the guidelines for Dark Sky that were adopted after we were built, as a community committed to demonstrating ecological living we feel that it is in our interest to declare to be in compliance with Tucson’s Dark Sky guidelines.
- We were compliant with Tucson’s previous lighting code, which was in effect in 2002-2003 when we were built and received our final occupancy permit. But this code did not yet reflect the Dark Sky guidelines that were adopted by the city in 2006.
- The community agrees to a lumen audit of our existing lighting.
- The audit will tell us where we stand from the perspective of the current Outdoor Lighting Code that reflects dark sky guidelines – link:http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/files/dsd/Tucson_Lighting_Code.pdf.
- The community as a whole may or may not be in compliance with the current code. Subsequent to having this information, individuals or perhaps the entire community may or may not decide to change any of the existing lighting.
- With the installation of new path lighting the City of Tucson will require that the entire community be in compliance with the current Outdoor Lighting Code as determined by an audit of the existing lighting.
- The Community agrees that the Path Lighting Task Force will hire Joyce Kelly, a lighting engineer recommended by Hy Kaplan, to do this audit.
- Tucson requires the audit be done by a lighting engineer.
- The community agrees to a budget of $250 to pay for this audit.
- This amount is reduced from the estimated $500 to do the audit because members of the path lighting task force will do the non-technical work of identifying the location of all lighting fixtures.
- The audit will be done within 30 days after agreement by the community.